Yellow Sunshine
This vegetarian diner offers "bio fast food": soya burgers, organic french fries and currywurst made of seitan. To be enjoyed with freshly-squeezed fruit juice or a Bionade soft drink!
Kurdish restaurant, Small tables with candlelights, full view of the kitchen
This big old gym is turned into a spacious restaurant, lounge and cocktailbar. Free wireless internet.
Very white and clean but still cozy restaurant with knodels, schnitzel and other German food. Very popular, so make a reservation
Great mediterranean food and fancy cocktails in a romantic atomosphere
The Shy Chef
A secret gourmet restaurant in the home of a local resident, with modern European cooking. The address will be revealed to you when you make your booking.
Muskauer straãe 9; phone: 695 37 859; jamaican-european fusion food, tuesday to sunday from 11:00 till 01:00 (http://www.rosacaleta.com)
Adalbertstrasse 10, tel. 614 2373, (http://www.hasir.de). the flagship of a chain run by mehmet aygun, who has a pretty good claim to inventing the dã¶ner kebab as we know it, and the kebab here is among the best in town. main courses still a steal at €6-11. open 24 hours.
Prenzlauer berg
Konnopke's Imbiss
(http://konnopke-imbiss.de/), schã¶nhauser allee 44b u-bahn station eberswalder strasse under the tracks. famous for their currywurst and truly does sell the best curry sausage you can find. a local would ask for a "curry mit 'ner schrippe" a currywurst with a roll. since 1930. open mo-fr 10:00 - 20:00, sa 12:00 - 20:00.
(http://www.pratergarten.de/), kastanienallee. a beer garden with a restaurant under shady chestnut trees. the oldest beer garden in berlin.